Robert Bayigamba
Rwanda - Kigali
Center for Global Sports Rwanda - CEO/Partner

Robert Bayigamba has held many executive positions in both the public and private sectors. He served as Minister of Youth Sport, and Culture and as the President of the Private Sector Federation of Rwanda. Robert has an intense sport career and passion. Member of the National Volleyball team as Captain, he has been the Vice President and there after President of the Rwanda National Volleyball Federation. Secretary General, Vice President and President of the National Olympic Committee of Rwanda. He is the Owner of Manumetal Ltd. one a leading local furniture manufacturing company that started in 1967 and CEO and partner for Africa Region of Center for Global Sports which facilitates, develops, and implements large-scale sports strategies designed for economic growth and social development.

Morning session 9:00-11:00 CET
October, 27 | 09:00 - 11:00 , Conference Room